Materials Analytical Review & Reporting System
Seamless Lab Data Integration and Automation for both Organic and Inorganic Analytical Laboratories: The Materials Analytical Review & Reporting System (MARRS™) is a suite of scalable modules also known as, the R&R Suite. MARRS™ provides an immediate solution to one of the key problems facing all labs: bridging the functionality gaps between instrument raw data and comprehensive information, knowledge and insight. MARRS™ is flexible informatics software that allows laboratories to immediately integrate and harmonize any analytical instrument(s), automate data review and quality assurance to within seconds for 100% data traceability and defensibility, transform that data into any client specific or regulatory format, and electronically communicate that information to experts within, between and across industries. The entire process can take just seconds. The technology provides seamless, universal connectivity that assimilates and summarizes dynamic analytical instrument data into comprehensive analytical information. The vendor and industry neutral software integrates organic and inorganic instrumentation to a single point for data handling, automates the quality assurance, then assimilates and transforms the data into…(for more information, download the PDF).